Track Lessons with an i-Ready Tracking Form

Rachel Rogers, a teacher in Vancouver, created i-Ready lesson trackers for her students. She explains, "I made this simple lesson tracking form as a tool for students to take ownership of their i-Ready progress. Students taped it into the front of their i-Ready Mathematics workbooks, but it could also go in any math notebook, goal binder, etc. Such a simple thing made a big difference in my students' productivity on i-Ready lessons last year, and nearly all my students showed tremendous growth on their benchmark tests. This information can be found easily on the student dashboard, but this became a very tangible way for them to see their growth. I even had some students choosing to do the lessons at home! That motivation at the middle school level is exciting to see. It was also a good artifact to use during data chats and parent conferences. If a student was not meeting their goal or showing growth, a lack of effort was often the cause and would be quite apparent as we looked at their tracking form together. Students really started to see the correlation between effort and outcome. I hope other teachers find it as useful as I did."
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