Track Student Goals with Progress Logs and Data Chats

Educational Consultant Amanda Berry created a resource for teachers to use when having data chats with students that makes it easy to track their progress. After each Diagnostic, teachers can use this resource to guide data chats and set goals with their students around their Diagnostic results. Teachers can pull up the Student Profile report to show students their score in reference to the grade-level target. They can also identify which domains are the strongest and which domains the student needs to work on the most. They can also use the tabs across the top of the Student Profile report to determine specific skills the student should work on (in all domains, or in a priority domain). Teachers can then revisit this goal sheet before (to motivate) and after (to set goals for following weeks) the winter and spring Diagnostics.
TeacherBuilding LeaderDistrict Leader
diagnostic successusing dataengage studentsgoal settingdata chatstrack data
Data Chat: After the First Diagnostic: Student (PDF)